Does Religion Hinder Human Evolution?

Does religion hinder human evolution?
Does religion hinder human evolution?

Greetings! I would like to welcome everyone to the Art of Ninzuwu blog page. If this is your first time here, please take the time to review some of our previous articles and do not hesitate to share your experiences and perspective by posting a comment.

One of the principles found in the Art of Ninzuwu is that “no god is the true god.” While this principle is often misunderstood by those outside the practice of this sacred art, many initiated into this path appreciate its spiritual value. The principle “no god is the true god” is meant to imply that the term “god,” while describing a beneficent force, is not a title befitting the creator.

In the Art of Ninzuwu, the term “god” is applied to avatars of the creative force, but not the force itself. We also find that this term can also describe a force of influence, either upon nature or one’s experience. However, in the Art of Ninzuwu “a god” is never equated with the creator. Additionally, we find that “religion,” as it is understood in today’s context, is another form of slavery and a tool used to divide people.  Religion, over the centuries, has been an instrumental force in shaping human history. We can safely say that religion has been around as long as human beings have been alive. So the question has arisen in the minds of many human beings, as evident in the growth of atheistic ideologies during the past century, does religion deter human evolution?

Human history dictates that religion does not necessarily support the evolution of man spiritually. Unfortunately, in many cases, religion may not have anything to do with scientific or spiritual progress. This can be seen by the fact that many adherents of modern religion are have been involved in some of the most hideous acts known to man, many of which were the cause of the deaths of many people. Wikipedia defines religion in the following words:

“Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to the supernatural, and to spirituality.”

The term religion implies belief; belief that one’s culture or perspective is divine. For example, if one is dedicated to a Middle Eastern religion, they will advocate that the culture, the society, where this religion derives from is divine. So now we find people of the perspective that the language Arabic or Hebrew is divine. Names given to children in these cultures are divine. This sort of thinking can be found among the Christian nations also imply, where we find European names, like Mary, Peter, and Paul are divine names. This sort of thinking, in the light of the Art of Ninzuwu, is dysfunctional. We say this as people are misled into “believing” that they are in contact with some aspect of the divine by associating themselves with a particular aesthetic of a religious system. Misconceptions like these occur when people are presented with a spiritual system without an esoteric or magical means of initiation that was once a part of these same systems. The Ivory Tablets of the Crow discusses this in the Sword of Ninzuwu Tablet:

“Know that every civilization comes into this world in the manner of the Unborn. Each city exists in a place not known to time and then descends upon the realm of man as a kingdom, through some act of war, or a great migration. Do not worship these things like men do, for it is a forbidden art which keeps the soul bound to useless things…It was so that upon the journey of dreams one may approach old civilizations, some in the earth and others that have vanished. Know that their gods and spirits may try to tempt thee in dreams, but thou must remain pure.”

The Ivory Tablets of the Crow discourages the deification of one’s culture as a form of spiritual technology for these things are a cycle in themselves, which is hard to break away from once a person begins to engage in such practices. Often times, the “gods” of these civilizations past or present, were ancestors and ancestral shamans who may have ruled a particular tribe. After these kingly shamans died they were still beseeched by sacrifice. It is a popular belief in many primal religions that the day of death is also one’s birthday in the spirit world, and to help that person grow in the world beyond sacrifice was offered to strengthen the spirit. In the book, Spiritism and the Cult of the Dead in Antiquity, by Lewis Bayles Paton, we read the following on page 261:

“Sacrifice is a rite that has meaning only in the cult of the dead. The blood, in which the life of the animal resides, is poured out in order that the shades may drink of it and renew their vigour. Offerings of food and drink are not needed by celestial deities, but are needed by spirits of the dead, and have been offered to them from the earliest times…,and were afterward extended to other divinities..,”

Ancestor worship, also known as the Cult of the Dead, is a scientific process in the eyes of the practitioner of the Art of Ninzuwu. However, from a religious aspect, the adherent may not be aware of where the origin of sacrifice began and will do such, by means of physical offerings or in the form of prayer, and devote themselves to an ancestral spirit of another nation, becoming a slave of that ancestral spirit. In ancient times, it was devised that in order for a nation to grow and gain some sort of power in the world, they needed to conquer other people and have these people worship their ancestral gods. This would give the ancestral spirit more energy to alter reality for the benefit of the descendants of the ancestor, which is why it became important for a nation to replace the deities of a conquered people with that of its own. Further support of this is found in The Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 2, 2007, has to say on this topic, page 212 states:

“..gods of fire, wind and water, gods of the sea, and above all gods of the sky, show no signs of having been ghost gods at any period in their history. They may, it is true, be associated with ghost gods, but in Australia it cannot even be asserted that the gods are spirits at all…,they are simply magnified magicians, super-men who have never died, we have no ground, therefore, for regarding the cult of the dead as the origin of religion in this area..”

The practitioner of the Art of Ninzuwu seeks to avoid such by not putting faith in religion, but pursues an operative form of spiritual technology as a means of self-renewal. Spirituality, in the true sense of the term, has nothing to do with what one imagines themselves to be, or any other psychological costume, but simply the way one leads their life and how they conduct themselves mentally, emotionally, and physically. These are the tools that will lead to contact with the divine world or any other experience we may so desire. Our emotions, thoughts, and actions are our religion. The ignorant religious adherent are unaware of such and will hold a superficial image of themselves in their minds based on the love of a fictional mythology and promote such as their religion. Why do people take such a course?

People have been reared to fulfill a false concept known as “being right.” It is because of such that they immediately try to identify with the “right perspective” in anything that enters their mind. The fact that “being right” is used as a control mechanism among the nations is to the point. This idea of “being right” is also the cause for war and other human crimes. Morally, the idea of “being right” is an illusion as what is “right” in one part of the world may be unacceptable in another. So on a universal level and in human society what is right or wrong has a lot to do with one’s position in relation to an agenda, be it personal or that of the community or government. Based on such, we can say that the idea of a “true religion” came into being as a way to encourage people to abandon the worship of their own ancestors, a scientific process, and have faith in those of the ruling class. Think about it. The famous Krishnamurti once said that ‘the truth is a pathless land.’ It is along these lines that we find what is written in the Ivory Tablets of the Crow so true:

“Know that the names of these gods

Are a formula

A binding between the king and his earthly subject

Worship not the feelings of kings

Seek only initiation

For initiation is the only law that is just unto man


They appear as kind

They are worshipped in beauty

But their intent is evil

The Sons of Aho have betrayed our ways


In the beginning there was peace

And in the beginning peace will always dwell

So it was that the Ninzuwu rested in the beginning


It was during this rest

That the Sons of Aho deceived creation

The Sons of Aho performed the Art of Trickery

And required sacrifice from man.


The Son of Aho are the emotions of the dead

After the spirit has left the body


Man was lost.

The Sons of Aho created a lie.

They posed as the creators of man

But the world is the creator

Made by the creator

And so, man is lost.”


19 thoughts on “Does Religion Hinder Human Evolution?

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  1. Found your site by searching for blogs related to belief. I have been an atheist most of my life but recently decided that the worst thing about being atheist is you have no hope for an after life. I therefore created my own 1 man religion based around accepting current scientific knowledge and filling in the gaps with a religious explanation. It works well and the logic is holding up well against both atheists and religious people. I’d love you to visit my blog and tell me what you think.

    Welcome to the Bangist Homepage!

  2. Religion was tool for national identification, much like our flag, anthem and constitution is today. It was the perfect tool to make individuals unite for a divine cause which usually involve mundane goals, as we can see by the expansionism of most ancient religious groups such as the Israelites, the Muslims and such. It was the government of antiquity and the best way to unify an otherwise unruly people. We can look at the sumerians, the technologies f or survival in the desert where a divine art and this when required every man had to serve such purpose or finance it. Today religion serves as a social club as best and a monetary farm at worst, such as Scientology.
    The e spiritual evolution of man has prospered in every religion by a select few that within their pragmatism have found a direct connection with the limitless light of creation. The highest expression of the divine is existence, for it has no reason, that which exist exists because is there. This is how Yahweh define himself in the bible “I am that which I am”in other words he is just because he is. The gods are fragmentation by culture and individuals of the divine light that brought our consciousness into existence. It is our consciousness the forgotten gate, it is trough our divine intellect that we can achieve a state of being which is higher that our selves and is the closest we can get to the divine force.

    1. @Dakkel..thanks for the comment. Very insiteful. When are you going to write for the Art of Ninzuwu page? Hopw is the work coming along?

  3. The tablet of the crow are deep as it has no direct instruction but the wisdom are delivered from the divine intelligence directly. I must say more work needs to be done from my end to comprehend better the mission, aim and wisdom of this so far wonderful system. But rest assure brother that I am diligently working and meditating daily for the growth of not just me but the whole clan. For what benefit has to enlarge oneself and not advance humanity. It is my belief that we all have a unique will or destiny to fulfil and part of the great work is to find it. Your was to revive the way of the Most Ancient One, the creative vortex where all is and is not. For within the creator the possibility of everything co exist with the emptiness of nothing.

    1. A few of us have been working with the is a great and rewarding part of the journey. I can share many of the methods. Will send you email.

    1. Warlock if you see the progression you would see a pattern emerging. A three tiered system. It is a miss understanding to think that the works are not connected. The Necronomicon is a work of decent where the initiate will face mostly what Kabbalist would define as qliphotic characteristics if themselves. They would be confronted with the flaws of their character in each step. Like the descent of Inanna we will be stripped of per coincided notions of reality and ourselves to engage in ascent. Then you deal with the oracle which is a work of much light with little focus on miracle work and more on divine theurgy and the you approach the ivory tablets which is a purely metaphysical and a work of divine ascension and divine transmutation. There is a pattern much like ancient orders. The outer circle, the inner circle and the work of the high order.

      1. @Dakkel…I had just mentioned this idea of a three tiered system the other day! Thank you very much fo your insight as always. There is a writing that will be released soon, which is a bridge for all the prior three. This too, is a surprise! 🙂

  4. Is no surprise when you carefully read the Necronomicon introductions by simon. He places a great entasis on the correlation between the Necronomicon and hermetic system. And the appearance of azag-Thoth kinds of confirm it, for who is Thoth than Hermes the trice great. Once you put it in perspective you see the pattern and the correlations. What is hermetic philosophy than a pseudo scientific approach to the occult.

    1. Thank you Dakkel. i will write you over the weekend. it is a very important matter indeed, but also good news

      1. Warlock the realizations of your recent works have been revealed before in the realm of methaphisics. The book the path o the light by the society of hermetic truth have close parallels with what you have proposed. That is why I sai that a three tiered system was no surprise because of hermetic philosophy embedded in the Necronomicon and your works. Which dictates some what of an universal truth.

      2. @Dakkel. You are correct aboutthis. Its all part of the process. Will write you later

  5. To be honest, no offense, but for me, Buddhism isn’t a religion in the context of worshipping ridiculous Gods/God or supernatural things. It’s more of a spirituality and philosophy of mind/way of life than being caled religion….

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